Farm to Family Premium Pastured Protein
Beef - Pork - Eggs
Soy-Free GMO Free Pasture Raised Kid Enjoyed
Premium Pastured Pork
What are IPPs or Idaho Pasture Pigs?
The Idaho Pasture Pig (IPP) is a newer breed of pig that is composed of the Duroc, Old Berkshire, and the Kunekune pig. These are true “grazing” pigs and are very gentle in nature. They have incredible personalities, are smaller in size then traditional pigs, are great at taking care of their young, and enjoy living outdoors year around. Lastly, they grow extremely well with a diet of primarily grass. You can read more about them here.
Since they are true grazing pigs that means they take longer to grow to maturity. Typical pigs that are shoved full of grain in some feed lot will grow to butcher weight in six months but a typical IPP takes 9-11 months.
Their meat also had a reddish tint, greater fat marbelization and a sweeter taste than the average pork. Once you go IPP, we don’t think you will go back.
What do you feed your pigs?
Though we are not a certified organic farm, our pigs are fed from the pasture and then supplemented with a high quality, fresh organic Non-GMO & Non-SOY feed.
80% of their diet comes from the pasture.
20% of their diet comes from grain.
From our Feed Supplier: “All Natural, Non-GMO, Non-SOY feed rations include complex blends of direct fed microbials, seaweed or kelp meal, polysacharide complexes of trace minerals and the highest quality macro minerals available. We include as many healthful ingredients as we can to support realistic production levels for your animals. We strive to promote your animals health so they can perform at optimum levels.”
Pork Processing
Some terms to know
Live weight = how much the cow weighs when taken to the butcher
Hanging weight = the carcass of the cow which is about 75% of the live weight
Finished weight = 63% of the hanging weight (deboned meat).
How much meat to expect
The average live weight for a butcher ready pig is 250 pounds.
Example of whole hog:
Live weight = 250lbs
Hanging weight = 188 lbs (75% of live weight)
Finished weight = 120 lbs (63% of hanging weight)
1/2 Pig = 60 lbs in your freezer
Whole Pig = 120 lbs in your freezer
What’s the cost?
You pay Withywindle per pound on the hanging weight.
You pay the butcher per pound on the hanging weight and a portion of the kill charge depending on what percentage of the pig you are buying.
Example on Cost: 1/2 Pig assuming 250 live weight
180 lbs hanging weight
180 lbs x 1/2 = 90lbs
90 lbs x $7.50 = $675 paid to Withywindle
90 lbs x $1 = $90 + $62.50 = $152.50 paid to butcher (processing fee + ½ kill charge)
$675 + $152.50 = $827.50
Finished weight = 58 lbs
What forms of payment?
Zelle, Venmo or preferably, cash.
The general process
Give a deposit to The Withywindle on your pig portion.
Once the pig is dressed and hanging, we will have the official hanging weight and you will finish paying Withywindle the balance.
At this point the butcher will contact you to get your cut preferences.
The meat that isn’t cured will be ready within a day or so and you will be asked to pick it up. The cured meat will be ready a couple weeks later.
You will pay the butcher fees when you pick up your frozen meat from the butcher.
Two ways to buy
Pay at the end
Deposit to The Withywindle (1/2 Pig - $100, Whole Pig - $200)
Balance to Withywindle once your pig is hanging at the butcher.
Processing & Kill fee to butcher at pickup.
Pay as they grow
3 benefits
You get to pay for the feed as your pig grows.
You have a smaller balance at time of pickup.
You get to support Withywindle as we care for your pig.
How it works
Give a deposit (1/2 Pig - $50, Whole Pig - $100)
Pay each month until butcher (1/2 Pig - $75, Whole Pig - $150)
Settle the balance once the pig is hanging
How Much Freezer Space
Rule of thumb: 1 cubic foot of freezer holds around 15lbs of pork
How will the meat come?
It will come in individually packaged cuts frozen and ready for your freezer.
What choices do I have with the butcher?
The butcher can provide recommendations and guide you in selecting the best cuts or processing that fits your family.
Sample Take Home from a Whole Hog
24-28 lb pork chops
2-4 packages of 3 lb spare ribs
24 lbs of shoulder roasts
4 ham hocks
12-20 lbs ground pork and/or sausage
30-40 lbs ham (whole, half, or steaks)
16-20 lbs bacon
2 lb tenderloin
Other Options
Loins can be done whole or steaked
Should Roasts can be done whole or steaked
Hams can be done whole/half or steaked
Brats or Links – 10 lb minimum and $1.50 extra per pound
Patties (large or regular) – 10 lb minimum and $1.5 per pound
Sausage/Brat Flavors Flavors
Sage Salt Pepper
Salt & Pepper
Green Onion
Apple Maple
Can I buy 1/4 of a pig?
Yes and no. Withywindle as well as the butcher will only deal with 1/2s so, if you want to buy an 1/4, all you need to do is find someone else to buy an 1/4 with you and designate one of you as the contact.